Friday, December 13, 2019

Lack of sound and Lack of color.

What's the destiny of those who love
in sound frequencies that are long gone?
Like the strum of a guitar in front of a smiling face
through a romantic verse as its saving grace.

What about lying in a rooftop sharing dreams?
Making life to be more than it really seems.
The silly promises that hit like a drug
spike our emotions and end on a hug.

Where is the rush of energy where silence dies?
The dawn of possibilities that everything defies.
Expectations, passion, sheer affection and desire
that made it so nothing was ever dire.

Was all that a dream? A jest? A phase?
A cruel joke just stuffed in my face?
Did I tailored my soul for it to turn into mist
searching for a light that no longer exists?

Sunday, January 6, 2019

Uncontrolled Substances

Meeting with shadows

Hello, my name doesn't matter,
but I'm also addicted to attention.
A caring thought, a dopamine rush
and I'm on my way to salvation.

The problem begins when junkie old me
gets cold turkey on a chilly afternoon.
Skies turn ashen and my heartbeat fades
while my senses start feeling marooned.

I know it's a problem and believe me I try
to keep things calm in my zone.
Then logic comes and screws things up
and my self esteem leaves me alone.

I know I shouldn't crave a smile and nice words,
but who would reject a sweet respite?
It's so warm and comforting to feel like I matter
before going to sleep at night. 

Then waking up feeling like a king
with enough energy to take on the world.
Feeling motivation to create a million things
where positive feelings unfold.

Then what to do if not struggle against
this deep strong affliction of mine
and describe with words what I feel tonight
while me and my addiction untwine.