Sunday, January 6, 2019

Uncontrolled Substances

Meeting with shadows

Hello, my name doesn't matter,
but I'm also addicted to attention.
A caring thought, a dopamine rush
and I'm on my way to salvation.

The problem begins when junkie old me
gets cold turkey on a chilly afternoon.
Skies turn ashen and my heartbeat fades
while my senses start feeling marooned.

I know it's a problem and believe me I try
to keep things calm in my zone.
Then logic comes and screws things up
and my self esteem leaves me alone.

I know I shouldn't crave a smile and nice words,
but who would reject a sweet respite?
It's so warm and comforting to feel like I matter
before going to sleep at night. 

Then waking up feeling like a king
with enough energy to take on the world.
Feeling motivation to create a million things
where positive feelings unfold.

Then what to do if not struggle against
this deep strong affliction of mine
and describe with words what I feel tonight
while me and my addiction untwine. 

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